cultural differences examples in school

Defining differences. In Spain, the school day runs from around 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. and then starts back up after an hour-and-a-half break to go home for lunch and a siesta. We conceptualize coordination breakdowns to be driven by differences in cognitive and behavioral scripts for coordination of the task. Cross-cultural understanding, along with local market knowledge, lends itself the production of more effective marketing strategy and materials.For example, high quality and culturally sensitive translations of websites, brochures, and other assets are essential. The midday meal and nap is sacred to many, and though the custom is being challenged as out of step with modern ways, it endures in much of the country. Methods to tackle it include giving the one person who is speaking something to hold, making a third student judge each pair on the percentage each person talks, and teaching forms like tag questions that aid turn taking. 1. 9. 09/14/2013 06:50am EDT | Updated December 6, 2017. Waiters don't usually stop by tables to ask customers how the food is or what their weekend plans are, and strangers won't often chat while waiting for the bus. Food and drink For example, a different and unique name, or the food you eat. Hopping on a big yellow school bus is a familiar step for schoolchildren in the U.S. that many of us take for granted. If cultural competency is to become an essential component of schools, training must be more than a single day. As our world becomes more interconnected, it is helpful to look carefully at our differences so we can better understand each other. 10. Learn more about bringing interculturality into your world languages classroom. Differences between progressive and traditional schools. The danger is that the teacher or another student might jump in to fill the silence and so prevent them from speaking, or that they will make others feel uncomfortable with their silence. Breakfast cereal or eggs, you say? Students who prefer to get straight to the point in L1 often find it easier to communicate in English, but there is a chance of them or other students who don’t have the language level to be polite seeming too direct and offending people. Go figure! Here is a by no means exhaustive list of some cultural differences that can come up in class. There is different kind of cultures everywhere in the world. This could be a matter of avoiding even brief and accidental showing of parts of the body like shoulders and belly, or could be more a case of certain clothes such as bright colours or overly sturdy shoes being taken as tacky and/ or unprofessional. No, this isn’t out of 100. This can be a problem when you have students from different cultures working together or in EFL tests where the ability to split the speaking 50/ 50 between partners is assessed. In Western culture, this may be a sign that the person is not paying attention to the speaker. More by Expert; Benefits of attending a progressive school. 8. Think about the number of years that we, as Americans, spend in school. In some countries, such as Mexico, Nigeria, and Malaysia, the public school children are all required to wear uniforms. Values related to education: school, community and national and variations - sometimes competing 4. The intent was to provide disaggregated data by school level to reflect descriptive differences and similarities in the culture of schools as noted by levels. A geography lesson in most countries will confirm that there are seven continents–Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Antarctica. This can make the writing of even higher level students difficult to follow, and can also mean they are missing out on vital clues to what information is where when reading an English text. 12. The best short term solution is to teach phrases to fill thinking time like “Well, let me see”, with the next stage being teaching sentence stems to at least get them started quickly, e.g. - David Cain, "Awesome advice!!! For instance in Japan, it might be inappropriate for a student to look a teacher in the eye. It could also mean things like accent, face, body, and color. Think about these groups: teams, the cafeteria staff, and the administration. Some of these are simply social and others are cultural. 14. As an example of how each international teaching destination can differ to a teacher’s classroom experience in their home country, here are some of the cultural differences that you might notice in student behavior in the South Korean classroom. During this essay, I’ll be explaining the argument between cultural differences, based on the theory Cultural Relativism. School children around the globe gather in classrooms to learn. U.S. classrooms are SO different than ones around the world. It could also mean things like accent, face, body, and color. One frequently misunderstood example is that East Asian students often close their eyes when concentrating. This Washington Post article gives a snapshot of 15 classrooms around the world. You certainly do! The teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) are cultural values and our, following them is social value. As the comments in the previous section imply, accommodating to cultural diversity involves more than adding cultural content to the curriculum—more than celebrating Mexican holidays in an American social studies class, for example, and more than discussing the history of slavery of African-Americans. 11. Guided planning and reading tasks that identify topic sentences to solve these problems (eventually) are fairly common in Academic English and IELTS textbooks. That is just one of the ways that schools down under have a looser approach to letting kids be kids. It is also about ‘us’. Thanks Alex this is quite helpful, may i use it for teaching my next set of English students? By comparison, the grading system in Mexico is 1-10. As an example, some students may not have as many books read to them as are read to children in other homes. Thank you so much! In some countries, most famously Japan and Finland, silence between conversation turns and when thinking is quite normal. I also am taking a TESOL class and this information is fantastic. Also check out this roundup of Traditional Children’s Games from Around the World, which shows how children in Venezuela, China, and many other countries play different versions of the same games. To give an example, in a Japanese company it is normal for a subordinate to say “Yes, I understand” to any instructions from the boss, and then find out from elsewhere whatever they didn’t understand. It’s assisted me with the ‘cultural differences’ aspect of the TESOL course I’m undertaking. Your U.S. students are taught to make eye contact when speaking, and you might think that a student who avoids eye contact is hiding something. Firstly, the cultural value change, then changes in social value follow. 3 Africa and the Middle East – Yes, They Are Holding Hands; 4 United Kingdom – Did You Want Two Or Did You Just Flip Him Off? Students may fear making mistakes. In Thailand, the head is considered to be the most sacred part of the body (NEVER touch a Thai person on their head), and the feet are considered to be the dirtiest. This work is vulnerable to poorly understood coordination breakdowns that can lead to project delay and failure. Will work wonders in our advanced class!!" A culture is weaker when communications are limited and there are fewer connections. While a school culture is heavily influenced by its institutional history, culture also shapes social patterns, habits, and dynamics that influence future behaviors, which could become an obstacle to reform and improvement. Include allowances for cultural necessities in classroom rules, choose texts that are relevant to and explore cultural differences, and communicate with students and parents about needs and expectations. In Finland, all teachers are required to have a master’s degree, and only the top 10% are accepted into teaching programs, which are subsidized by the state. Thinking about culture and differences between cultures is not just about ‘them’. In the case of meeting times, for example, you might simply start meetings on time, and then let stragglers catch up. Sorry, links I put below all broken. Created with Sketch. Check out these and other unusual and downright dangerous school commutes in these videos: Journeys to School and Kids Who Risk Their Lives Going to School. Although this isn't news to anyone in our society today, our education system ha… To be sure, there were exceptions, but for the most part, diversity was not at the top of the list of priorities back then. Other cultures might expect small talk to be shorter or even absent until the end of the lesson. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers. In other parts of the world, the transportation to and from school can be a bit less direct. Workplace etiquette. So impressed." An example of this can be seen in different approaches to customer service. If you send a French colleague a funny text, he or she may send back a quick MDR, which stands for mort de rire, or literally, to die of laughing. It might be described as the character of a school that gives a school qualities beyond its structures, resources and practices. He observes, “Unless somebody has to take an extended leave of absence (recovery from surgery, honeymoon, new baby, etc. Typical Examples of cultural differences The perception is different and often selective: Expressions are differentiated according their importance: for the Inuits (Eskimos) snow is part of their everyday life, therefore many words (e. g. over 10 substantives) exist to describe it. Cultural differences could mean many different things. 2. Most people would say it’s to learn the three R’s: reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. This article shows other similarities and differences in the colors we choose around the globe. Do I have your permission? - Elias Gasparini, © 1998-2021 Teflnet How they interact with each other and the students can be vastly different from school to school. In 1993, I had my first opportunity to visit Russia as a representative of the University of California. Most schools ignore the difference between children, their experiences, and their beliefs. Some individuals often belong to more than one culture group. Drinking alcohol profusely is encouraged at most work events and the rejoicing together the next day with a unanimous hangover. Maybe in the remote areas of the Outback or Arnhem Land but not anywhere else. I’ve also written a similar article specifically on teaching Japanese students,, Thanks for this article Alex. Try riding a donkey for an hour-long journey across a desert in Brazil or walking a 30-foot high tightrope across a river in Sumatra, Indonesia. The Cultural Differences of Chicago High Schools... Do Cultural Differences Within Urban Chicago High Schools Results In So Many Discipline Problems This is a proposal to the study on the reason why cultural differences within urban Chicago high schools results in so many discipline problems. Cultural Competence in Schools. A cultural mismatch is caused by tension between a student’s home and school culture, and is often due to differences in areas that include religious and spiritual beliefs, cultural practices, family background, and language. By Whitney Kay Bacon, Contributor. School culture – collaboration and PLCs 3. When kids lose their teeth in Greece (and reportedly other countries), they throw them on … Cultural differences have implications for virtually all areas of psychology. Created with Sketch. Transcript. I would love it! Check out the EntreCulturas Spanish 1, 2, 3 series from Wayside Publishing. School culture – collaboration and PLCs 3. Cultural Relativism: Moral, Values, And Cultural Differences. 1. Complex project work often is carried out by groups spanning national and cultural boundaries. The frequency and length of eye contact changes a lot from country to country, as does the times when eye contact is and isn’t considered suitable. I am taking a TESOL class and I would love to use a few ideas. There are a wide range of classroom activities that can help students recognize the essential humanity and value of different types of people. Interrupting 3. I live in Australia and I don’t know of any schools in NSW that allow kids to attend school without shoes! Teachers who are interested in fostering a cultural awareness in their classroom should actively demonstrate to their students that they genuinely care about their cultural, emotional, and intellectual needs. Have you ever chased a ball of cheese down a hill (England) or played a game similar to football on ice (Russia)? Thanks, This article is WONDERFUL…. Use this as a good discussion topic with your students. Cultural Differences or just differences, in general, make people unique and to be who they really are. Why do children go to school? I think this is an answer to a large portion of concerns that teachers deal with on a daily basis while not understanding why they are experiencing a large portion of classroom problems.I am a Behavior Management Specialist and I would love to use this article in further explaining to teachers, what I have been trying to say for so long. Dress The only thing I ask is that people don’t republish it without permission. Teachers bring flowers and food and the days are filled with activities to help everyone become familiar with the new faces and routines. Culture: what is it? Check out this Around the World in 80 Games infographic showing many of the weird and wonderful games from different cultures. Some individuals often belong to more than one culture group. Here, we have collected some surprising ways in which the customs and routines in schools around the world are different from U.S. schools. 4. This is mainly just one subset of “Status” above- if students think that women (especially younger or other “lower status” women) are lower in the ranking, that will exaggerate any negative reactions they have to being interrupted, corrected, told to do things in the classroom that are unfamiliar etc. It has versions of familiar songs, such as The Wheels on the Bus and the ABC song in many languages. But your French pals might consider it rude to actually laugh or speak too loudly into a cellphone. In America, ideal customer service is usually warm and friendly. However, the same response in Bangladesh, Iran, or Thailand might mean a trip to the principal’s office. Kids in New Zealand and Australia are not required to wear shoes to school. The differences include different freedoms that have been given to French teens and not to Americans. Typical Examples of cultural differences You are here: Home Examples The cultural deficit theory states that some students do poorly in school because the linguistic, social, and cultural nature of the home environment does not prepare them for the work they will be required to do in school. This is some very good stuff. To be sure, there were exceptions, but for the most part, diversity was not at the top of the list of priorities back then. Gender roles More from Expert. In the article “How to Argue Across Cultures,” Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar and Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks not only break down some examples of cross-cultural conflict like the one above, they also explain that we all have invisible boundary lines that are steeped in the cultures that produced us. How to overcome these differences to enhance collaboration 5. Small talk ( Cultural differences). Cultural Relativism: Moral, Values, And Cultural Differences. Thanks Alex. Schools that acknowledge the diversity of their student population understand the importance of promoting cultural awareness. By the way, negotiations are an important part of everyday life, too. Although the personality of two individuals in one country can vary much more than the average personality in two different countries, having some knowledge of how cultures vary from each other can at least give teachers a starting point in knowing how to approach a student or class until teachers get to know the individual preferences of the class. Status Join with others who celebrate cultural differences and take a stand against discrimination. - Michael Patrick, "Thank you for sending the reading/discussion activity on Driverless Cars. School children in many other cultures begin their day with foods ranging from minty spicy fish (Thailand) to a clear broth soup and a fermented vegetable dish called Kimchi (Korea). I want to thank you. Culture: what is it? Highly person-oriented cultures find socializing very important, because getting … While there are some single sex schools in America, all boys and girls in Iran go to separate schools. How to overcome these differences to enhance collaboration 5. For example, Japanese meetings tend to start and finish with quite a lot of small talk but have a clear transisition, whereas British managers (and me in my lessons) will often try to move cleverly and smoothly between the small talk and the start of the first lesson topic. According to this article from Kid World Citizen, everyone celebrates the beginning of school in Saudi Arabia with three days of celebrations. As a teacher of a school with learners from many countries, there are numerous perceptions and ideas that conflict. Cultural Awareness Activities and Examples. This is a really thorough and helpful summary. Created with Sketch. 15. Advice for schools when teaching about cultural diversity Cultural diversity is an extremely complex and sometimes highly personal and emotive subject. 09/28/2016 01:41pm EDT | Updated September 29, 2017. Thanks for the bright idea! The Japan article and worksheets are here: Some examples of cultural differences as they pertain to the workplace include employees who are younger or older than their co-workers, employees who hold higher degrees than others in the workplace and individuals who grew up in either metropolitan areas or small towns. In Japan there are also strict rules about hairstyles, shoes, socks, skirt length, and more. In order for your students to adapt to their new environment and feel safe and comfortable, you need to create an atmosphere of inclusivity. Unfortunately, cross-cultural differences can create disharmony between people. There might also be issues with how much correction they expect, if that correction can come from other students, and if it can be in front of other people. Do you think there’s a correlation? The explanation for the differences in school performance lies in the difference in life experiences between groups. 5 Taiwan – The Louder The Better; 6 Germany – Don’t Te This one is not so common outside the U.S. and Canada. At the same time, we were counting the change in our pocket. We were standing in front of an elevator waiting for it to come down. Many students had limited English skills and a vastly different culture. Check out these and other cellphone etiquette rules of French students. There can be cultural differences in the amount and timing of small talk that is expected in the classroom. This paper will examine the elements of a cultural conflict that popularly occur in schools. Blogger and vlogger, gay rights activist & ultimate foodie. Created with Sketch. If you see discrimination online or in person, you can report it. However, you have to be able to identify them and nip them in the bud before they get out of hand. Body language and gestures Writing styles They also might miss polite requests to stop doing things etc, for the same cultural, personality and language reasons. In parts of the world, such as Colombia, however, students learn that there are just five continents: Eurasia, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and the Americas. Colors can mean different things depending on cultural upbringing. Now you can see genuine progress in this area. Created with Sketch. For example, a different and unique name, or the food you eat. Silence Furthermore, schools have groups which represent narrow subcultures of the general culture of the educational environment. Learn more about their habits here. For example, in the UK they eat a Sunday roast and Full English Breakfast. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! 5. Orange in Western cultures can symbolize warmth and harvest, for example, whereas in the Middle East it can mean mourning and loss. Once in a conference I was assigned to be sort of the team leader for a … People from different cultural traditions may have an approach to education that differs from the mainstream approach used in American schools. Thank you so much for putting in the time to make this website. For example the culture of one school may be like this: I am trying to impress my students with the importance of being culturally sensitive in the classroom. There can be cultural differences in the amount and timing of small talk that is expected in the classroom. Values related to education: school, community and national and variations - sometimes competing 4. We like the World Rhymes YouTube Channel for this. While a school culture is heavily influenced by its institutional history, culture also shapes social patterns, habits, and dynamics that influence future behaviors, which could become an obstacle to reform and improvement. For example, if you have any Indian students in your class, try to make an effort to learn about their culture. “I think that…”. Students might feel they cannot interrupt or correct people who are older, in a high status job, are male etc, or may be shocked when the teacher or another student does not pay attention to such distinctions. The main point to note with any of these is that people do not stop finding a gesture offensive just because they understand that it means something else in other countries. There are many cultural differences between the United States and France. Created with Sketch. Here are other examples of what eye contact might mean for different cultures. Or, use references and analogies to other cultures in your lessons and assignments to help students with diverse backgrounds personally connect. People from different cultural traditions may have an approach to education that differs from the mainstream approach used in American schools. Building consensus and moving forward – an example Different approaches to professional communication are just one of the innumerable differences in workplace norms from around the world. - Food - Some cultures are not allowed to eat pork. Different cultures can show different attitudes to the teacher admitting they couldn’t be wrong, letting students make classroom decisions, pairwork correction, and pairwork more generally. The list of gestures by the teacher or students that could be misinterpreted or even found offensive is huge- in fact the number of totally universal human gestures is very few. Wikipedia gives a rundown of the school uniform rules and styles in more than 40 countries. 1. Collectively, the entire cultural system encourages, legitimises, and rewards a set of core cultural values. In a strong school culture, leaders communicate directly with teachers, administrators, counselors, and families, who also all communicate directly with each other. Here is a list of some of our memorable cultural rules and differences that we have come across on our travels: View Contents. At my former school, for example, we had a sizeable population of students belonging to the Karen (kuh- rĕn) group from Thailand and Burma. There might also be issues with students wanting to keep on head wear that blocks eye contact and so makes communication difficult. Lose your tooth in Greece? Many classrooms are diverse as a result of either the differences within the student population or the differences between the teaching population and the student body. 3. As with most of these, the embarrassment at making mistakes and being corrected varies more from person to person than culture to culture, but general national characteristics can also be discerned. Taboo topics (We discussed what is cultural diversity in this blog.) Cultural misunderstandings—such as teachers addressing students by only one of the three parts of a traditional Karen name—caused students to feel disrespected. When discussing cultural diversity in the classroom, we tend to look at cultural differences that have been historically ignored or marginalized. 8 Cultural Differences Between America And Other Countries. Cultural differences could mean many different things. For native speakers, there might also be issues of differing reactions to your knowledge and use of the students’ L1 or lack of. School culture has become a central concept in many efforts to change how schools operate and improve educational results. - Alyson Watson, "Dear Josef: I'd like to thank you for sharing such great materials with us." But a school culture that promotes diversity in the classroom teaches students something that’s more important: how to live and work in a society where every individual is unique. Cultural diversity as an issue wasn't even on the radar of most private school communities until the 1990s. For example, it’s normal to negotiate rent price when you’re in China. For example, a teacher may talk about the differences between conversations with friends in the community and conversations with adults at school and discuss how each behavior is valued and useful in that setting. Resolving these differences can have instant and long term benefits. Thus, comparing differences in cultural values is the most efficient method of understanding cultural differences. Certainly you may use it on the basis that you reference the “article by Alex Case on”. Building consensus and moving forward – an example Here are some cultural misunderstanding examples … Created with Sketch. 6 examples of cultural differences in business communication Gill Atkinson - January 22, 2020 Whether you are working abroad or are required to liaise globally with colleagues or business partners, understanding how to effectively communicate with people from all over the world is a key professional skill - one that is increasingly important in today’s multicultural work environment. The world's premier independent network for TEFL teachersEngland • since 1998, Important cultural differences in the classroom, The world's premier independent network for TEFL teachers,,, Important cultural differences in the classroom | – Mrs. Franklin's Blog. 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500, Classroom Coding & Robotics … Everything You Need to Get Started, Protected: Classroom Talk-to-Text Project, Traditional Children’s Games from Around the World, Kids Who Risk Their Lives Going to School, school uniform rules and styles in more than 40 countries, 5 Ways Teachers Can Empower Families in a Changing School Environment, 4 Quick Ways to Build Rapport With Students (Even the Ones That Are Hardest to Reach), Join the WeAreTeachers Influencer Network., […] Source: Important cultural differences in the classroom | […], Hi Sharon, thanks for your comments. For example, Japanese meetings tend to start and finish with quite a lot of small talk but have a clear transisition, whereas British managers (and me in my lessons) will often try to move cleverly and smoothly between the small talk and the start of the first lesson topic. Cultural Competence in schools thread in schools songs to teach is a list of some differences... A single day ( Peace be upon him ) are cultural values will get plenty of use out 100... And failure UK they eat a Sunday roast and Full English Breakfast education... Showing many of the educational environment ’ s normal to negotiate rent price when you ’ re still highly.. The cafeteria staff, and local knowledge means higher quality, targeted marketing getting …,... Discussing cultural diversity in the world beyond United States and France `` Dear Josef: I like... – an example of this can be a sign that the person is not just ‘... 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