how to find an obtuse angle using the sine rule

}\) What is the exact value of \(\sin 162\degree?\) (Hint: Sketch both angles in standard position. To extend our definition of the trigonometric ratios to obtuse angles, we use a Cartesian coordinate system. Use the inverse function if needed to find the angle. The line \(y = \dfrac{3}{4}x\) makes an angle with the positive \(x\)-axis. \text{First Area}\amp = \dfrac{1}{2}ab\sin \theta\\ This is in contrast to using the sine function; as we saw in Section 2.1, both an acute angle and its obtuse supplement have the same positive sine. If \(~\sin 57\degree = q~\text{,}\) then \(~\sin \underline{\hspace{2.727272727272727em}} = q~\) also, \(~\cos \underline{\hspace{2.727272727272727em}} = q~\text{,}\) and \(~\cos \underline{\hspace{2.727272727272727em}} = -q\text{. Contents: Derive the sine rule using a scalene triangle. A triangle has sides of length 6 and 7, and the angle between those sides is \(150\degree\text{. We can use the L… 3(2/3) = 2 sine B. These are the ratios of the sides opposite those angles: Notice that we may express the ratios as ratios of whole numbers; we may ignore the decimal points. Trigonometric Ratios for Supplementary Angles. Obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees, but less than 180 degrees, which is a straight angle, or a straight line. Getting an acute angle for an obtuse angle using law of Sines. Repeat parts (a) through (c) for the line \(y = \dfrac{-3}{4}x\text{,}\) except find two points with, Sketch the line \(y = \dfrac{5}{3}x\text{.}\). Give the lengths of the legs of each right triangle. What is that angle? How to Calculate Angles Without a ProtractorMark Two Points on the Line Opposite the Angle.Measure the Line.Use the Sine Formula.Calculate the Angle. Identify angle C. It is the angle whose measure you know. cos = adj/hyp is the rule for right triangles, as Ross has mentioned. }\) Although we don't have a triangle, we can still calculate a value for \(r\text{,}\) the distance from the origin to \(P\text{. Given two sides of a triangle a, b, then, and the acute angle opposite one of them, say angle A, under what conditions will the triangle have two solutions, only one solution, or no solution? Free Law of Sines calculator - Calculate sides and angles for triangles using law of sines step-by-step This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. For Problems 57 and 58, lots from a housing development have been subdivided into triangles. Example 2. Because there are two angles with the same sine, it is easier to find an obtuse angle if we know its cosine instead of its sine. While solving, you get that the sine of some angle equals something, and naturally this equation has multiple solutions, two of which are between 0 and 180 degrees (the valid range for the angles of a triangle). a)  sin 135° $\endgroup$ – The Chaz 2.0 Jun 15 '11 at 18:20 Find the total area of each lot by computing and adding the areas of each triangle. Find the sine inverse of 1 using a scientific calculator. }\) To find cos \(\theta\) and tan \(\theta\) we need to know the value of \(x\text{. In the previous example, we get the same results by using the triangle definitions of the trig ratios. Well, the sine of angle B is going to be its opposite side, AC, over the hypotenuse, AB. How to Use the Sine Rule to Find the Unknown Obtuse Angle : High School Math. the calculator returns an angle of \(\theta \approx -53.1 \degree\text{. }\) Use your calculator to verify the values of \(\sin \theta,~ \cos \theta\text{,}\) and \(\tan \theta\) that you found in part (3). Favorite Answer. Fill in exact values from memory without using a calculator. Find the angle \(\theta \text{,}\) rounded to tenths of a degree. Round values to four decimal places. The three angles of a triangle are A = 30°, B = 70°, and C = 80°. r \amp = \sqrt{(2-0)^2 + (5-0)^2}\\ Updated: Nov 17, 2014. docx, 62 KB. \newcommand{\blert}[1]{\boldsymbol{\color{blue}{#1}}} A triangle is a closed two-dimensional plane figure with three sides and three angles. so \(~\cos 90\degree = 0~\) and \(~\sin 90\degree = 1~.\) Also, \(~\tan 90\degree = \dfrac{y}{x} = \dfrac{1}{0}~,\) so \(\tan 90\degree\) is undefined. A = \dfrac{1}{2} ab \sin \theta The point \((12, 9)\) is on the terminal side. Relevance. \[\sin{77} = \sin{(180 - 77)}\] C must be 103°. That means sin ABC is the same as sin ABD, that is, they both equal h/c. Now, according to the Law of Sines, in every triangle with those angles, the sides are in the ratio 643 : 966 : 906. If we are given a, b and A and b is equal to a then the triangle is isosceles so we can find the other two angles without using the Sine Rule. The right triangles formed by choosing the points \((x,y)\) and \((-x,y)\) on their terminal sides are congruent triangles. Info. Therefore. Sine rule establishes a relationship between the sides of a Triangle and the angles of the Triangle. docx, 96 KB. 3) Use the answer, length HF is found using Cosine Rule because no pair of angles and opposite sides. Finding Angles Using Sine Rule In order to find a missing angle, you need to flip the formula over (second formula of the ones above). Draw another angle \(\phi\) in standard position with the point \(Q(-6,4)\) on its terminal side. Right angles are 90 degrees. However, you can easily measure the angles at the corners of the lot using the plot map and a protractor. r = \sqrt{0^2 + 1^2} = 1 If you want to calculate the size of an angle, you need to use the version of the sine rule where the angles are the numerators. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Angle "B" is the angle opposite side "b". \amp = \dfrac{1}{2} (161)((114.8)~\sin 86.1\degree \approx 9220.00 Why are the sines of supplementary angles equal, but the cosines are not? But the sine of an obtuse angle is the same as the sine of its supplement. 111.8°, 40.5°, 27.7° You are given all 3 sides of a non-right-angled triangle. Code to add this calci to your website Just copy and paste the below code to your webpage where you want to display this calculator. The sales representative for Pacific Shores provides you with the dimensions of the lot, but you don't know a formula for the area of an irregularly shaped quadrilateral. Being equipped with the knowledge of Basic Trigonometry Ratios, we can move one step forward in our quest for studying triangles.. An obtuse angle has measure between \(90\degree\) and \(180\degree\text{. }\) Our task is to find an expression for \(h\) in terms of the quantities we know: \(a\text{,}\) \(b\text{,}\) and \(\theta\text{. The law of sines is a theorem about the geometry of any triangle. Examples 3: Determine sin⁡(α+β) and cos⁡(α+β) if:a. sin⁡α=⅗, cos⁡β=5/13 with α and β are acute angle b. sin⁡α=⅗, cos⁡β=5/13 with α is obtuse angle and β is acute angle Identifying when to use the Sine Rule. The question that I am pondering is that I need to derive the law of cosines for a case in which angle A is an obtuse angle. }\) Use your calculator to verify the values of \(\sin \phi,~ \cos \phi\text{,}\) and \(\tan \phi\) that you found in part (7). }\) To see the second angle, we draw a congruent triangle in the second quadrant as shown. }\), Find the sine and the tangent of \(\theta\text{. we have found all its angles and sides. Explain why \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) have the same sine but different cosines. How many solutions are there for angle B? 1 = sine B. Example 2. With all three sides we can us the Cos Rule. Interactive macro-enabled MS-Excel spreadsheet. Therefore, b sin A = 2 /2 = , which is equal to a. °, ࠵? \end{align*}, \begin{equation*} In each of the following, find the number of solutions. }\), \(\cos 180\degree = -1\text{,}\) \(~\sin 180\degree = 0\text{,}\) \(~\tan 180\degree = 0\). There is therefore one solution: angle … The solution for an oblique triangle can be done with the application of the Law of Sine and Law of Cosine, simply called the Sine and Cosine Rules. Review the following skills you will need for this section. How to Use the Sine Rule: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Save Calculating Missing Side using the Sine Rule. Upon applying the law of sines, we arrive at this equation: On replacing this in the right-hand side of equation 1), it becomes. Problem 3. \end{align*}, \begin{equation*} \end{align*}, \begin{align*} Presentations. \end{align*}, \begin{align*} }\), Using a calculator and rounding the values to four places, we find. °) for triangle FHG. \blert{A = \dfrac{1}{2} ab \sin \theta} \end{equation*}, \begin{equation*} Can you use the right triangle definitions (using opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse) to compute the sine and cosine of \(\phi\text{? The examples above illustrate the following equations for supplementary angles. Using the Law of Sines to find a triangle with one obtuse angle if angle A =47 , side a=27, side b=30:? Solve the remaining equation. We know how to solve right triangles using the trigonometric ratios. \cos 135\degree \amp = \dfrac{x}{r} = \dfrac{-1}{\sqrt{2}}\\ Get the plugin now. This is also an SAS triangle. Recall that the area formula for a triangle is given as \(Area=\dfrac{1}{2}bh\), where \(b\) is base and \(h\) is height. }\) Thus, \(~r=\sqrt{(-1)^2 +1^2} = \sqrt{2}~\text{,}\) and we calculate, Find exact values for the trigonometric ratios of \(120\degree\) and \(150\degree\text{.}\). }\), Find \(\cos \theta,~~\sin \theta,\) and \(\tan \theta.\), Sketch the supplement of the angle in standard position. \end{equation*}, \begin{align*} Since a = 2, then  b sin A > a. This problem has two solutions. 2. but unfortunately, you don't know the height of either triangle. If the sine or cosine of the angle α and β are known, then the value of sin⁡(α+β) and cos⁡(α+β) can be determined without having to determine the angle α and β.Consider the following examples. \sin \theta = \dfrac{y}{r}~~~~~~~~\cos \theta = \dfrac{x}{r}~~~~~~~~\tan \theta = \dfrac{y}{x} 5) Identify which Rule is used to find angle FHG (Sine Rule because there is a pair of angle and opposite sides). (Hint: The hexagon can be divided into six congruent triangles.). In Chapter 2 we learned that the angles \(30\degree, 45\degree\) and \(60\degree\) are useful because we can find exact values for their trigonometric ratios. A = \dfrac{1}{2}bh\text{,} For each angle \(\theta\) in the table for Problem 22, the angle \(180\degree - \theta\) is also in the table. For Problems 35–38, fill in the blanks with complements or supplements. Using trigonometry, we can find the area of a triangle if we know two of its sides, say \(a\) and \(b\text{,}\) and the included angle, \(\theta\text{. Evaluate each pair of angles to the nearest \(0.1\degree\text{,}\) and show that they are supplements. There are always two (supplementary) angles between \(0\degree\) and \(180\degree\) that have the same sine. to find missing angles and sides if you know any 3 of the sides or angles. Report a problem. \sin \theta = \dfrac{h}{a} Angles: The sine rule can be used to find an angle from 3 sides and an angle, or a side from 3 angles and a side. And in the third -- h or b sin A > a -- there will be no solution. (1.732). But the triangle formed by the three towns is not a right triangle, because it includes an obtuse angle of \(125\degree\) at \(B\text{,}\) as shown in the figure. Because we have multiplied each side by the same number, namely 1000. Problem 1. Because of these relationships, there are always two (supplementary) angles between \(0 \degree\) and \(180 \degree\) that have the same sine. }\) With this notation, our definitions of the trigonometric ratios are as follows. This is a topic in traditional trigonometry. It is valid for all types of triangles: right, acute or obtuse triangles. Substitute the values into the Law of Cosines. The given angle is down on the ground, which means the opposite leg is the distance on the building from where the top of the ladder touches it to the ground. To find the obtuse angle, simply subtract the acute angle from 180: 180\degree-26.33954244\degree =153.6604576 =154\degree (3 sf). Let a be one side and b another side and A be the angle opposite a. Enter three values from a, A, b or B, and we can calculate the others (leave the values blank for the values you do not have): a=, Angle (A)= ° b=, Angle (B)= ° c=, Angle (C)= ° Examples 3: Determine sin⁡(α+β) and cos⁡(α+β) if:a. sin⁡α=⅗, cos⁡β=5/13 with α and β are acute angle b. sin⁡α=⅗, cos⁡β=5/13 with α is obtuse angle and β is acute angle Not only is angle CBA a solution, but so is angle CB'A, which is the supplement of angle CBA. Problem 3. docx, 96 KB. Remove the fraction that is unhelpful. Similarly we can find side b by using The Law of Sines: b/sinB = c/sin C. b/sin34° = 9/sin70° b = (9/sin70°) × sin34° b = 5.36 to 2 decimal places . Calculating Missing Side using the Sine Rule. }\) Bob presses some buttons on his calculator and reports that \(\theta = 17.46\degree\text{. are defined in a right triangle in terms of an acute angle. Note 3: We have used Pythagoras' Theorem to find the unknown side, 5. By using … To get the obtuse angle you want, all you need to do is to realize that sin(π − α) = sin(α) Hence, 180 ∘ − arcsin(16sin(21.55 ∘) / 7.7) should give you the answer you need. Let's call the triangle DeltaPQR, with sides as p = 100, q=50 and r= 70 It's a good idea to find the biggest angle first using the cos rule, because if it is obtuse, the cos value will indicate this, but the sin value will not. You can also name angles by looking at their size. Normally you will have at least two sides. Lv 7. Finally, we will consider the case in which angle A is acute, and a > b. Find the sides \(BC\) and \(PC\) of \(\triangle PCB\text{.}\). Alice wants an obtuse angle \(\theta\) that satisfies \(\sin \theta = 0.3\text{. 2) Use formula of area to find angle. Therefore, each side will be divided by 100. Then a/sinA = b/sinB So you can now solve for the angle B. In every triangle with those angles, the sides are in the ratio 500 : 940 : 985. Since the trigonometric functions are defined in terms of a right-angled triangle, then it is only with the aid of right-angled triangles that we can prove anything. Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite. For Problems 49–54, find the area of the triangle with the given properties. Created: Jan 30, 2014. (Use congruent triangles.). SOLVE THE FOLLOWING USING THE SINE RULE: Problem 1 (Given two angles and a side) In triangle ABC , A = 59°, B = 39° and a = 6.73cm. Now, you know a formula for the area of a triangle in terms of its base and height, namely. Sketch the figure and place the ratio numbers. From the Table. Given the connection this has with triangle congruence and the graph of sine, these ideas are also explored in the lesson. Then we define the sine of angle ABC as follows: But that is the sine of angle CBD -- opposite-over-hypotenuse. Let a = 2 cm, b = 6 cm, and angle A = 60°. Now for the unknown ratios in the question: `cos α = 3/5 ` (positive because in quadrant I) Let us first consider the case a < b. The legs of the right triangle have lengths 12 and 5, and the hypotenuse has length 13. }\) Round to two decimal places. For example, the area of the triangle at right is given by \(A= \dfrac{1}{2}(5c)\sin \phi\text{.}\). Online trigonometry calculator, which helps to calculate the unknown angles and sides of triangle using law of sines. (Hint: The pentagon can be divided into five congruent triangles. 1 $\begingroup$ I have done this problem over and over again. The figure below shows part of the map for a new housing development, Pacific Shores. \newcommand{\lt}{<} The angles are labelled with capital letters. Use a sketch to explain why \(\cos 90\degree = 0\text{. a) Angle A = 45°, a = , b = 2. It's rather embarrassing that I'm struggling so much wish this simple trigonometric stuff. If we had to solve. }\) Explain Zelda's error and give a correct approximation of \(\theta\) accurate to two decimal places. Using \(x=-3\) and \(y=4\text{,}\) we find, so \(\cos \theta = \dfrac{x}{r} = \dfrac{-3}{5}\text{,}\) and \(\theta = \cos^{-1}\left(\dfrac{-3}{5}\right).\) We can enter, to see that \(\theta \approx 126.9 \degree\text{. To see the answer, pass your mouse over the colored area. An oblique triangle, as we all know, is a triangle with no right angle. If it is equal to a, there will be one solution. Find exact values for the trigonometric ratios of \(135 \degree\text{. If we choose some other point, say \(P^{\prime}\text{,}\) with coordinates \((x^{\prime}, y^{\prime})\text{,}\) as shown at right, we will get the same values for the sine, cosine and tangent of \(\theta\text{. To see why we make this definition, let ABC be an obtuse angle, and. A = angle A B = angle B C = angle C a = side a b = side b c = side c P = perimeter s = semi-perimeter K = area r = radius of inscribed circle R = radius of circumscribed circle *Length units are for your reference-only since the value of the resulting lengths will always be the same no matter what the units are. }\) From the Pythagorean Theorem, Remember that \(x\) is negative in the second quadrant! There must also be an obtuse angle whose sine is \(0.25\text{. We must calculate b sin A. Find exact values for the trigonometric ratios of \(180\degree\text{. The trigonometric ratios of \(\theta\) are defined as follows. Sketch an angle of \(135\degree\) in standard position. we have found all its angles and sides. \(\displaystyle \theta \approx 116.565\degree\). In triangle ABC, angle A = 30°, side a = 1.5 cm, and side b = 2 cm. And 5, and 50° how to find an obtuse angle using the sine rule like this I like this I like this I like this like... ( -5, 12 ) \ ) give both exact answers and decimal approximations rounded to places... B= angle C= side C= Thought it would be exactlythe same if we press \! A donation to keep TheMathPage online.Even $ 1 will help, ~ \cos \theta\text {. } \ explain! \Cos \theta\text {? } \ ), our definitions of the right triangle in standard.... Angle using the triangle is \ ( 150\degree\ ) in standard position, as this will which., then b sin a = a -- there will be one right-angled triangle with the given.! And cosine Law calculator \sin 130\degree = -\cos 50\degree\text {. } \ ) is the opposite. 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