strava flyby not working

Period. All could be found out from after a 2 hr ride to gather some data and then I could plan a better route for next time out. ….Yeah you can turn it back on, but almost no one will know about that so flyby is effectively dead. Knowing that “Dave” served you is not useful since “Dave” might live 50 miles away. But that ride is still visible on Flyby. First though, a quick explainer on what Strava Flyby is. “However, that does/did require that users have both their activity set to ‘Public’. If you’re new around these parts, here’s the long version of my story. Pretty much cut and dry, no apologize for any inconvenience. I just wish more people didnt keep everything so locked down on garmin. when the flybys first appeared you had to opt in to them on stravelabs and you could see all your flybys, it was probably over 6months before Strava turned the option on for everybody. This is essentially the same as removing the feature. This is a Strava issue. Now they remove a prime feature, flyby, which I used at least once a week for years. I’m headed to Paris – what do you recommend for training or sightseeing? It’s easy to post comments on the web with your armchair view, but that doesn’t change the fact that many, many experts agree that this is not an OK way to use data and that it will eventually be abused. Cant believe Strava turned off Flybys without any coverage. 0. Click on the KOM crown an then scroll right. I re-enabled it, but I doubt most will, so it is effectively now useless. I still can’t see anything from the past. I usually use flybys to send kudos and follow runners to build a platform for the brands I am an ambassador for. No problem, here's the platform I use - you can too! Is this just a temporary change, or has Strava removed it for good, and if so, why? That’s the Strava Group Activities privacy feature, seen below on the left side. Yet, there’s still no e-mail to users, still no explanation of the different privacy settings as it relates to Flyby, still no mobile app notification, and the ‘Learn More’ link doesn’t allow you to learn more about why they made the change (or, why almost the entire Tweet that started it was incorrect), but just puts you on the general privacy controls settings page. In doing so, they basically killed Flyby in one go. Uh, yeah. Same here, only for running. Resolved: Year in Sport not loading for some athletes on iOS . As nations we need to protect the weak among us. I am sure someone else will just redo them in the future. Like you, I was comfortable with my privacy settings and a public FlyBy. So another fun feature is all but dead. Therefore, I can only irregularly participate here and updates will currently not be on a weekly basis. It’s the internet equivalent to a high five while running…. This sits in the “seems like a good idea, but isn’t” category of security protections unfortunately. In this instance “weak” means uninformed, and is not meant negatively but rather that we can’t expect everyone to do sufficient research to understand this, so instead we protect them. Talk to some women on Strava and see what they think about Flyby. Now I know!! Flyby was created in a bygone era, at least with respect to privacy laws. If you’re trying to decide which unit to buy – check out my in-depth reviews section. Job done. I had just noticed Flybys was gone and didn´t have any idea why. This is what happens when you hire engineers and staff based on their interest in cycling or running rather than on their actual ability to do the job (a similar problem exists at zwift HQ). fly by was a free service – you didn’t need a paid membership for it…. . Correction We appreciate your patience and understanding.”. It doesn’t appear to be a premium only option. If Fly By was only followers it would be pointless. Strava has somewhat quietly turned off, for all users, the Flyby feature, after a tweet went viral during the last few days, based on privacy concerns. It is annoying, it was an amazing feature for looking at both running and cycling races after the event and comparing your pacing to that of others. Use or Competitive Cyclist with either the coupon code DCRAINMAKER for first time users saving 15% on applicable products. Anyway, I used Nike + Running before Strava and stopped using it after they deleted all the shoes I had saved (except for Nike) with all the data about miles I had run in them. if a private zone is created now, does it affect rides/run done before? But if I clicked on cerrtain people from the flyby screen I would get an error that I did not have access to the activity (I don’t remember the exact error). The privacy zones also don’t do anything mid-ride, so if you stop at a friend’s house mid-ride, that will show. I don’t know about “dead”, but I think they are treading water looking for an exit strategy. When I uploaded to Strava, It asked me if I rode with him – even though we weren’t connected in any way. Definitely should be enabled by default for anything tagged as “Race”. But, thou shall not let factual accuracy get in the way of viral internet furor over something that’s been around half a decade. This excitability seems to be an attribute of new, enthusiastic individuals who just discovered exercise and want to share it with the world. Also if I click flyby it opens a new tab but just loads a map of the world and then stops, no ride details load. DC Rainmaker 2019 swim, bike, run, and general gear list. Sure, I do think it’s knee-jerk without much thought, merely to put out a fire before it became another ‘Soldiers publish secret location data on social network and are surprised it’s public’ incident of a few years ago. This year I joined the local running club. So most users wounldn’t know to switch it back on…. As Dcrainmaker correctly states, they have gone about this entirely the wrongway. My dad got an e-bike and I want to log my rides with it on strava but don't want to ruin the local strava … However, the feature showing ‘Today’s’ segment performance has disappeared. I have being on strava since early 2014 and always paid. But more practically, this allows me to decide when and where I share my location. How many people “work” at that ghost ship? Go figure, a lot of their customers are not happy? (but also for other reasons, since I then would lose a segment close by, since no segment evaluation in privacy zones!). The clowns are keeping my money, refusing a refund for the rest of the paid up period, while removing a product that I paid for. I get the privacy concern. My fear is that they don’t care enough.. Getting a message that says "Server Error" or "Server not responding"? Strava turns every iPhone and Android into a sophisticated running and cycling computer (and we work with your GPS watches and head units, too). Of course, provide an opt-out-entirely option. I suspect again, creating vacation privacy zones is more of a me problem. So not too shameful. Nobody else is there now. This is a really good compromise! The “segments are expensive” remark is in reference to Strava severely limiting the functionality of segments for free users a few months back. I think we are all just getting a bit too paranoid these days. After clicking their name in the list I expected to see the activity page with full details, but instead I got the message “activity not available to you”. That feature basically will auto-tag your friends (usually) when you go on group rides/runs/etc, and shows them with you on the activity. Very disappointing … they could have made everyone’s default “anonymous” by not showing their name or their avatars . The most common question I receive outside of the “what’s the best GPS watch for me” variant, are photography-esq based. While the Flyby and Group activities features are shown directly on top of each other, they are actually entirely different features, with entirely different privacy settings. I could switch to Garmin Connect with some work of transferring shoe mileage info with not too much problem like I did from Nike + running to Strava 4 years ago. My friend starts data recording of her ride from HER home 3 miles away, swings by my home to pick me up since it’s on the way. Being attractive has it’s pros and cons like most other things in life. Most people keep strava super open and the garmin locked down. I read it over a morning cuppa just after 6am and it spurred me on to have another look at my privacy settings. You should have let people opt out of the flyby feature, not just kill it off with out a word. If you're using Internet Explorer as your browser, go to the tools menu, then "Compatibility View Settings" and remove the selection for "Use Microsoft compatibility lists". It’s as simple as that. I struggle to see how flyby gave away personal data. They won’t be getting money from me next year. So here is the most up to date list of products I like and fit the bill for me and my training needs best! Strava killed it dead. There may be issues with older versions of Safari, version 10 and lower. Since I’m not supportive of that kind of FB, Strava, or GC use I have ignored the rest of the postings in those threads. I have tried to use meet-up but with very poor results; 2 out of 3 were able to join but the other could not. But at the end of the day, you might just be wondering “What does Ray use when not testing new products?”. This is not a problem limited to Strava. Features like this are what makes (nay, made) strava unique. Get them nagging for a subscription all the time. Strava has somewhat quietly turned off, for all users, the Flyby feature, after a tweet went viral during the last few days, based on privacy concerns. I’m unsubscribing Strava and going to Garmin. We know the basic idea is sound and popular it just needs better management. It might find pictures of other female runners, but it wouldn’t find that specific runner and never will. I found it very useful when moving to a new area to see where people were stopping for a coffee, what the popular routes were on a Saturday or Sunday. I’ve made a lot of “Strava Friends” with fly-by. But now, being so quietly turned off, no one knows its gone, so it becomes kind of useless. People want to meet people. We cannot be so naive that this will resolve much, unless your rides are all private (thus making this social network defunct) then you can still be found through other features (not going to say but pretty straight forward.). You could say strava is in sleep mode. Ive just started riding to work, while on my little trip this morning i was wandering if there is a way of finding out who else is riding to work at the same time on the same route or close to it - ish route. Another day, more lost functionality I liked. However, that case actually has nothing to do with Strava Flyby. Private activities were/are not shown in Flyby.”. The fact that most people in this comments section are so unaware of the privacy implications is demonstration of why legislation is necessary. What if the Biggest Climb on my Profile is incorrect? My Photography Gear: The Cameras and Equipment I Use Daily, DC Rainmaker 2019 swim, bike, run, and general gear list. Which was quite often a bummer but now the feature is really useless. Zwift ride ons are the only feedback from strangers that doesn’t send me to privacy settings to see what went wrong. Smart Trainers Buyers Guide: Looking at a smart trainer this winter? Even when the tech eventually enables it (which is probably a decade away) Google will be required to disable that functionality just as they had to blur faces on streetview. I want it specifically to find people who I’m not following but who run/ride in the same areas as me. You mention Strava Labs – is that something I should have ? But really pretty simple to say “We have this thing called flyby. Garmin Connect provides better mapping, routing, and workout analysis. Have no ideas at all about how to improve the service or attract subscribers. Here’s my most recent gadget recommendations guide and trainers here – covering almost every category of sports gadgets out there. Strava has somewhat quietly turned off, for all users, the Flyby feature, after a tweet went viral during the last few days, based on privacy concerns. Equally you can take a picture of “The Girl” or “The Boy” and search for their image on Google! I have always loved the Flyby feature. Trouble is they are not endearing themselves to anyone who might want to buy them; and, of course, that would really put the nail in the coffin. This year I have been giving kudos to every one of my flybys, Whilst I fully get the creepy factor that mostly women suffer from this and sadly the default must consider this. Obviously TG is well informed since she lives with the king of the fitness nerds, but many people were unaware of this feature. But maybe only 5% used it, or maybe it was mostly used by free users, and they didn’t want to support that anymore. As others have mentioned, Strava should support only allowing followers to see you in Flyby. Strava made it No One for everybody. This is because the outside edge of the privacy zone will move about and therefore by definition occasionally gets closer to your house. I should know better than deal with any company based in The Peoples Republic of Commiefornia. If you don’t like it, just change your privacy settings or don’t use it at all. I only got the link back after changing the visiblity of the activity to everyone. Or, applying a filter for any activities to hide a randomly changing portion of the first part of the activity (such as 200-400m worth). It’s a nice break from the day to day sports-tech talk, and I hope you get something out of it! Rather annoying. Hey Google “Fly by missing on Strava”. Her husband claimed she’d gone out for a job on Saturday morning in her home town. Fun fact, whilst she was still Prime Minister I could look at Margaret Thatcher’s medical records – weren’t very exciting (although Dennis being her “dependant” was pretty hilarious). Wasn’t illegal back then. It made sense that it was enabled by default. Experian’s irresponsible management of that data (link to has affected millions of people’s privacy and real lives and resulted in billions of $ of loss. Is it possible they’re only doing it for some regions? Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 20, 2015. I mainly used this feature to find cool tracks other users ride…, if they would at least turn it on anonymized again…, w/o this feature STRAVA as a whole becomes useless to me…. Later I (privacy public activities but Friends only to follow) had a comment on my Strava activity saying had I lost a camera! This information is sold and traded, combined and embellished throughout the digital marketing and social media industry. Why haven’t you yet released a review for XYZ product you mentioned months ago? Any experience on individuals using Segments on Garmin? I’d prefer Strava quietly regenerate these circles every month for fun, but they don’t do that to my understanding. It is not like they can’t do that. strava-flyby provides a convenience object wrapping of the Strava Labs Flyby API response. Users can re-enable it, but only if they knew it was disabled in the But I think the point here is to add a layer of privacy, and not mitigate to perfection. I was moving every 3 months for a time, and was riding solo for the most part until I’d figure out who I could find to ride with. Just proof they are inept, clueless buffoons. Really useful article. Then I got an 18 month injury which meant I couldnt fully use strava so went to the free version. I think ultimately this is the right decision, though the way they went about it might not have been the most effective way of doing so as they basically will kill the feature unless enough people voluntarily opt … Mikey- it looks like you’ve done everything correctly. Click above for all the details. You probably stumbled upon here looking for a review of a sports gadget. Knowing that “Ray Maker” runs every day near Schipol narrows the search enough that you’ll almost certainly only find one person matching that search. If you viewed activities via the user profile it was as expected & were not available. You could say strava is in sleep mode. They did similar with chronological feeds, but yet they have more customers than ever. I’m super familiar however with that use case, as there’s many times on a ride where I might start at home, and then swing by the office to grab something, or vice versa. This means that the activity was within 50 meters of you at some point, and did not ride with you for an extended period of time (has a low correlation). Honestly, Flyby has been part of why I didn’t bother with Strava. I did the same on mine and the View Flybys link re-appeared on all my previous rides (on the website only it’s not in their App). No problem, the product comparison data is constantly updated with new products and new features added to old products! Dec 10th: 48 million, Those are the press released listed on their site here: link to Is it just me or does Strava seem hellbent on annoying, irritating and downright p*ssing off their customer base?? Interesting. I agree – no information at all is counter-productive. Also, you can simply start/stop your ride/run offset from your actual location like I do. After getting over the injury I was trying to use the new limited free version but was struggling, as not able to see the rankings was a huge benefit, so was toying with the idea of going back to premium. Seriously, go try it. From the Starva site – “If you signed up on, you may cancel your Summit membership by visiting your “Account” page and selecting “Downgrade” or by contacting us at” . It is nice to know the history of it, but I am sad it disappeared. Strava athletes know the best places to ride and run, and with 50 million of you in total, that's a whole lot of routes – not just the world's must-do roads and trails, but also the easiest ways to get around town and the most bang-for-the-buck workouts from almost anywhere. Strava has removed so many features this year it’s hardly worth using it anymore. I rarely ever even record that, but I’m certainly not going to show my kids’ school locations on Strava. If they wanted to properly alert users to the privacy issue of FlyBys Strava could have given every user a pop-up window to opt in/out when they visit the site. The only catch? People who don’t, won’t use Strava or will make all their rides private (which shouldn’t show on flyby). Plus, I’d argue if a person is that determined to sit by their computer for years waiting for privacy zones to update to triangulate the exact spot of someone within that few hundred meter radius, it would seem a heck of a lot better option to simply just go sit outside the routes they ran/biked and see where they ended up. ... Do e-bike rides count on strava segments? UNLESS, you opted in to have your user name shown. So I paid for the full year rather than the monthly, and then annoyingly found FlyBys still missing under premium, and then found Dcrainmakers article here. And, as you say, same for Zwift (which I left a long time ago). I don’t doubt that it’s been abused but there are still laws against harassment. I would have to disagree and say expensive is relative. If a user doesn’t want their activities (including Flybys) seen by the public then they can set their Activities setting to Private (followers/only you). I found a lot of new routes by going to my Flyby and selecting everyone and watching all the routes. Then I find there’s a limo of 3 a day. I guess by disabling this they try to force more people onto their paid plans. The feature still exists, but for all practical purposes its utility has been completely eliminated. It was a cool feature, even if perpetually in Strava Labs Beta, and I’m hoping Strava can find a way to communicate about it more, to get more people re-enabled. But as it stands it’s a Tory government style SNAFU. The FlyBy feature is basically dead now. . That notification doesn’t explain what Flyby is, or why people might want it on or off. I pay my annual subscription, but I’m wondering whether there’s sufficient value to do so in future. Why can’t flybys be covered by the same ruling. I really liked the flyby. To share your activities on Flyby, change your Flyby privacy controls to “Everyone.” I think the beacon function will still work, as the strava app is not running when paired with a garmin, as it is your phone which is connected and it wakes up strava, and strava has permission to send a message in case of a fall etc. Totally legit, and something people should be aware of. They’re clueless about what is and isn’t a good feature. I now have the Flybys option reinstated in all my individual activities. I was able to find a lot of nice routes others were using, some of them 50 miles long with only 1,500′ of climb. Garmin give you all the same features for free for life. It’s still there for me in the Android app, I don’t know if it has even been in the web app. I am sure there are many more creepy characters on those sites than there are on Strava. Not working AGAIN. Anyway, see also the below comment as well. Start Strava before an activity and you can track your favorite performance stats, and afterwards, dive deep into your data. If I had to make a recommendation, it would be to reenable flybys for everyone, but put them up as anonymous rides – ie: rider 1, rider 2, rider 3, etc. I’m just amazed this took 5 years, it’s pretty much always been illegal in the UK! I also just put together my complete ‘Gear I Use’ equipment list, from swim to bike to run and everything in between (plus a few extra things). On the next page, click on “My Account” (on the left side). I submitted a request for refund through the link above and got this email back from them: “Thanks for your message. Well using flybys Web sleuths set about contacting virtual witnesses but found no-one. Nor the reverse on the way back home. But even before that personal data was protected, has been since 1998. I think this is the right move but executed poorly and years too late. It seemed to appeal to new runners who are just so darn excited about their new hobby and want to tell everyone about it. This was by far my favorite Strava feature; if I’d known I wouldn’t have renewed for another year… I would still want to have to be able to see friends see flyby by default. Why aren't my activities counting towards a Challenge? Your activity on Flyby is one of maybe 5 that cross someones path and then they have your name and possibly your bike model and pictures. So in efforts to combat the amount of emails I need to sort through on a daily basis, I’ve complied this “My Photography Gear” post for your curious minds! distance away from home. You can check this in your privacy zone settings, and even press the regenerate button to spin out a new circle. Opposite of how I used Flyby to identify you arrogance of this is that they were joining... ” served you is not much better than proactive communication different scenario a. 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