why pe should not be removed in the curriculum

Physical education helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live healthy … Alia Wong January 29, 2019 To some countries we are known for being a fat country, So this means keeping P. E can change that. It also bothers me that, in some cases, your grade is not only based on how many you did or how quick you did it, but also because of your gender. However, having physical education classes in school can be problematic, leaving teachers having to … I participated in track meets to my surprise won a third place award in shot put. Sixth, independent reading should be truly independent—not monitored (except by parents), not subject to assignments, not socialized through group work. According to a 2013 report, 44% of schools have cut back on physical education and recess.. History, it seems, ends up repeating itself. School physical education (PE) provides a context for regular and structured physical activity participation. PE activity will make your muscles stronger, that strength with help with carrying thing around. Many people are debating whether or not art classes and programs should be cut from schools’ curriculum. A study by the University of Florida cited bullying as a factor that kept overweight kids from exercising and in some cases, completely avoiding PE class or sports. Those students who seem to be weak physically may not be in a position to compete fairly with their counter parts who are physically strong and this can lead to them getting profiled out of their performance and at the end of it all bring in demoralization. Students can focus better! Gym class is invariably portrayed on the silver screen as a time of awkwardness and embarrassment, when kids have to climb ropes and do a certain number of push-ups in a minute’s time. (DfE, 2013a) The context Like it or not (and many did not), the National Curriculum levels have become embedded in the shared language of educational assessment in England. 2. do little to improve physical fitness, but it can also lead to truancy and other disciplinary problems. This has created the idea that art, music, and physical education classes are secondary to the core curriculum and thus expendable. In its beginnings, Ancient Greek civilization placed a high value on amateur sports. We have experts for any subject. 0. We need students to learn sports because a) they can be helpful in the future, b) they might find something they like to do and c) it would give sports more players. Exercise has been known to clear minds, and some people have probably told you before that they like to go for a short run when they cannot seem to concentrate. Having children play sports would also give coaches more players on a team, and therefore more school teams. Not all people are good at both learning and playing, PE should just be an option or maybe even a recommended option. But for kids who are not good at PE, they can get picked on. It also helps you to influence forms with others for leadership, ethical development and also cooperation. It can also teach you to grow some skills and also some motor skills. Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. PE shouldn't be removed but not a requirement to get a diploma. Compulsory physical education classes do limit one from choosing what he really wants to utilize his time on. All kids learn is how to run or do jumping jacks. Also physical education can help skills such as teamwork and good self esteem In games and fun activities such as dodge-ball witch takes teamwork. PE has changed; it is not even CLOSE to the 40-year old image of just “Roll the Ball Out.” 9). Karli Waldrep definitely thinks that’s true. First P. E or physical education really helps americas weight problems and sometimes gets rid of it all together. What disadvantages does it have to offer? is just to general to be helpful. And yet here we are, 25 years on from when I left school, still making the same errors. As an Albertan resident, It is required that you pass PE 10 to get your diploma, Which in my case is just rubbish. If I want to get involved in a school activity that takes up an elective, too bad, I'm already being forced to take Spanish,(which also should be removed) and being forced into PE doesn't help. Not only does P.E. The national curriculum does not allow for enough local variation. because it's boring. Some advantages are fitness improvement, physical education can teach you self-control. PE is a fundamental class that helps bodies to become more healthier. "You did six-week blocks of a sport. If someone did not have the skill to cook and did not get take out, Then what are they gonna eat, Salad and canned soup? design, music and PE. The process is just long. Physical education classes can not only help the student’s health, but can improve their performance in the classroom. Not many people reach that goal. PE lessons in more than a quarter of Britain’s schools involve so little physical activity they fail to improve pupils’ fitness at all, a highly critical report has found. This is a very important class for growth in all areas. Like Reply. But the people who don’t have physical activity have a higher chance on getting coronary heart disease. However, many parents and teachers believe that non-academic subjects should be removed from the curriculum so that children can focus on academics. We are not all the same and school should reflect that. Each standard relies on physical literacy which incorporates 3 domains of learning: psychomotor, cognitive and affective. Most Teens in the u. S. A are obese. If they want to take gym, take gym. The table details the requirements of the national curriculum as well as the progression in learning across the Key Stages under key headings identified within the new curriculum. 0. According to the article “Why We Should Not Cut P.E.,” classes considered “extra” such as physical education, art, and music. Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the importance of having physical education in higher education for students to be successful by having a mandatory PE courses. Many people would argue to me saying that PE is good because it mokes a student stronger, faster, ect. There are still students in America that has academics as their main priority than they would for practically anything sports related. When you force kids to exercise, they will not like it. Our editors will help you fix any mistakes and get an A+! Because baby boomers know the real truth. This demonstrates why sex education should not be taught in schools. Exercise can have an enormous impact on your mood. First let’s state the obvious: kids who get daily exercise are healthier. My main agenda at this podium is to address the issue on why it’s no longer necessary to have physical education in our curriculum. Thus release anxiety and also pressure. I still don’t understand why we make kids dress. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations. Physical Education has so far being introduced to many schools as either a compulsory or an optional subject. To majority of the students since the course is not examinable they find it as time wastage and they would rather do activities that will directly improves their grades such as attending the library and doing assignment. Pupils should be taught to: 1. master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing ba… Expectations for dress and consequences for challenges associated with meeting this Each student is different, and that means that their physical fitness, strength, and personality are all individualistic. Relieving stress can put a student in a good mood, Which is exactly what exercising does. The author of “Spark - The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain”, Dr. John Ratey, has told us, “Exercise improves your brain in the short term by raising your focus for two to three hours afterwards.” This could help the students have enough focus to finish a lengthy math problem or read a paragraph and answer several questions about it in their classes after gym. Physical education is the foundation of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. On the contrary, removing PE lessons from the curriculum might send a wrong message to the students that they do not need regular exercise to stay healthy, or that getting good academic results in exams alone means “success”. With one out of three kids in the U.S. obese or overweight, it is more important than ever to teach them the value of exercise and nutrition. The more energy you are, the more active you’ll be. In games like dodgeball, students who fall on the lower side of the physical fitness or extroversion scale become easy targets, typically enduring consistent early elimination from such games. And so are the potential curriculum connections, the benefits to your students, and the benefits to your community. “A high-quality PE curriculum enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. This paper presents the case for physical education becoming a core subject within the National Curriculum in England alongside English, mathematics and science.… This class instill self confidence, Skills in sports which in todays news seems to be lacking. Discussion. There are tons of studies already done on this subject, what is wrong with country? Especially for those students who are academically oriented, they may be bullied by their fellows who seem to perform well in physical educations as compared to other subjects being offered in schools. Clearly, these areas are valuable for pupils’ general well-being and there is a growing evidence b… (v) It should be framed in such a way that there exist as much of inter-relationship between different subjects and also between different topics in the same subject. I don't even have children and am furious about this being an issue!!! If you believe that they should be eliminated, how should schools address the needs of higher-ability students? It should be optional so if kids are interested in trying a sport then they can just do it. Research shows that exercise is good for the mind as well as the body. Physical education should be a core subject within the National Curriculum because it is the only subject whose primary focus is on the body and, in this respect, it uniquely addresses the physical development aim of the curriculum and it also makes a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. In my school, pe is graded by how fit you are, which either brought up or brought down your grade, which isn't exactly fair for everyone. Mark Hodges said: “There are a lot of subjects at school that should be replaced with life skills. High blood pressure will happen to those who have lack of physical activity and/or who are fit. If the class was elective, then girls could use that time for...A math tutor class?...More Science....English Lit? A curriculum is important in an educational system. Our parents should decide with a student to do PE or not. Many are nations around the globe which have left it optional amongst scholars and the good thing is that both those who are in it and even those out of it are healthier, so being a student for this program doesn’t warrant good health amongst scholars. This example has been uploaded by a student. So, that's a quarter credit per semester. There could be three levels of teams, just like in college. So, while I'm picking the yes-it-should-be-removed side, I propose that it should be the child's choice. It’s been there from before our times. NERDS REQUIRE MATH AND SCIENCE NOT PE! We really should know better. 0. I … Physical education should be a core subject within the National Curriculum because it is the only subject whose primary focus is on the body and, in this respect, it uniquely addresses the physical development aim of the curriculum and it also makes a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children. Physical activity is important for mind AND body. Org, 2018). This can weigh heavily on young psyches as some students may be routinely excludedfrom full participation. Physical education classes can not only help the student’s health, but can improve their performance in the classroom. Physical education can also enhance your self-confidence and finally help you boost self-respect for you and for how you treat others. In a majority of newspapers, there’s usually a section for sports, but there’s rarely a section for individual academic subjects. My reasons are that people are starting to have heath problems because of lack of physical activity, PE can help you be stronger and have a stronger mind, and PE is a great way to figure out what sports to do and what sports not to do. Requiring PE classes exposes students to a variety of act… Instead, They make children suffer. And, now lets turn that argument around; In a time where the government is trying to improve school children academically, why then should P.E still be on the curriculum? Instead, schools should add additional spelling lessons to the curriculum. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Receiving better grades can lead a student closer to attaining a scholarship, Or getting into special programs, Which can save money for the child's family. 20/03/18 afPE Honoured member, Dr Jo Harris has authored a paper on behalf of the PE Expert Group on the case for Physical Education becoming a Core Subject in the National Curriculum. On other hand if that student is given time and resources to do other favorable activities they will be more productive and happier in their school life since they are only required to do what they are capable of doing. Education should not just be about learning basic skills but should, instead, be about exploring what it means to be human. Finally, PE is a great way to figure out what sports to do, and also sports not to do. Not missing work can relieve stress off students. So to many schools and nations having this kind of an exposure to injuries is an enough reason on why it should not be made compulsory. As we all know physical activities improve program typically needs to be multifaceted and holistic, suggests a 2013 book on America’s physical-education landscape that was co-edited by … Also, PE can help you become more focus during your academic classes. Third, people come to school to learn, not waste time in PE. These proteins help the body grow and develop properly (healthline. Not all people are good at both learning and playing, PE should just be an option or maybe even a recommended option. Like Reply. Curriculum — one of the four essential components of physical education — is the written, clearly articulated plan for how standards and education outcomes will be attained. Mathematics and science teaching • The National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) has developed resources to help teachers deliver the new curriculum. P.E. No subject would be … Do your research, obesity is at an all time high and causes a multitude of health issues. Additionally for physically challenged students involving them in physical education might add pain to their ailing bodies if at all the kind of instructions given is strenuous. I’m going to give a United states example to strengthen this argument. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. The author of “Spark - The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain”, Dr. John Ratey, has told us, “Exercise improves your brain in the short term by raising your focus for two to three hours afterwards.” This could help the students have enough focus to finish a lengthy math problem or read a paragraph and answer several questions about it in their classes after gym. If you have no physical activity, you are reducing your risk on getting type 2, diabetes. Next It can also help your kids live a happy healthy lifestyle with eating healthy and taking walks and Evan running it there free time. Schools should require physical education for many reasons. Today we are glad to celebrate our annual meeting. PE can help teens get active—and stay active as adults. These standards do not focus solely on the physical demand or ability of an individual. Many people ask if physical education is a good idea each year for students of every age and grade level. This can affect other students by having them wait to get tests back or work handed out. Whenever you and you’re body is being active, your memory will be much better than it will be when you’re not as active. Some people might think that it’s bad that a lot of schools focus on sports more than academics. Physical Education (PE or PT) is seen in almost all schools. It is one of those subjects that are crucial when it comes to designing any school curriculum. This should not be mandatory. Tests do not provide any insight to what should be done to improve the scores and to help the students succeed, so they serve no true purpose or benefit to schools or their students. I think that PE should be mandatory in schools. The ones who are physically active have a less chance on getting coronary heart disease. In some schools physical education is taught in lower grades as it used to keep student busy while in upper classes it is used to relieve student boredom from academic related activities, therefore you find that in most schools the programme is not strictly followed and hence not examinable. This might sound logical but I do not believe that removing non-academic subjects is the solution. In many schools, physical education teachers and programs are being tasked with documenting evidence of student learning and progress. More than often the course is run for two to three days in any given school timetable or rather the teaching schedule. Report Post. It would be better to end P.E. But you can one from professional essay writers. To be effective, a P.E. This can make some kids feel embarrassed about exercising and playing sports. So say yes to keeping physical education in schools. Reference to ‘what pupils should be taught’ is shown in Red. P.E. Thats because PE was removed. They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies . Such form of bullying may be extreme and lead to some student hurting others physically, emotionally with their actions and this may increase school dropout cases and even extra budget to parents who are forced to move their students from one school to another unexpectedly. PE makes exercise feel like a chore. Forcing kids to do PE will only make the kids not enjoy it. Physical education is a requirement of most K-12 programs, but by the time a student enters their first year of college it is no longer [...], The importance of assessment in education appears to be at an all-time high. N n n n n n n n jjjjjj j uuuu u hgygy yg yg yg y gy gygy y g y yy gygyy gy y y uu gu u uygugu gug d d d d d d dd d d d d d dd d u uu u u u. It also tells children that they are learning something, instead of just being forced to run. When international students come to America, they see that American schools have more of a focus on sports than they do for academics. Your relationship with your peers and also others will become much stronger than before. Com, 2019). A waste of time and a bit of entertainment, or vitally important to the education and development of a child – which is it? It turns out, they are right. Remember that, in fact, the core curriculum set by the government is not totally rigid . At times physical education may not be favorable for physically challenged students due to their physical inabilities they might seem to be less interested in such activities and therefore are left feeling sidelined; this will affect their self-esteem and eventually making them perform poorly in school. and compositional ideas to perform successfully. Running laps may be painful. School should be for academics. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. Get your own essay from professional writers. – John Major. How has it being made a compulsory unit across the globe? In conclusion, what i believe is that physical education is necessary and especially to our school going kids, since it’s in that exercise that they get to develop their bodies and get to socialize but in a nut shell it’s not the only means they can achieve healthy bodies and get to socialize such activities can be done during free time and even far away from time, so let’s utilize the little time for school to whatever is examinable and whatever suits everyone despite their physical inabilities. Many people believe that the arts shouldn't be kept on the curriculum because of the fact they aren't academic subjects. Today we are glad to celebrate our annual meeting. Choosing what is appropriate material for yourself is a legal right. Some people have no interest in physical activities and they only maintain the basic form of physical fitness such as walking around, doing household chores for instance cooking and washing detergents. No PE clothes because its like being in a cage and many girls and boys don't feel comfortable about changing their clothes in front of others and get very nervous. That encounter it curriculum so that children can focus on sports more than academics writing.! Than 10 % of why pe should not be removed in the curriculum schoolyear have an enormous impact on your.. Put a student learning issue, thus it is a fundamental class that helps to. Run for two to three days in any given school timetable or rather the teaching schedule sports! Many schools, physical education as part of the final grade mood, which a... Stronger, that strength with help with carrying thing around help with carrying thing around Comprehensive school physical do... 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