slip yoke plug

Referring again to FIG. Referring again to FIG. In many instances, a slip yoke is provided between the output shaft of the transmission and the universal joint connected to the adjacent end of the driveshaft assembly. 7, the counterbore 84 includes an inner surface 114 and a perimeter surface 116. 1 including a sealing and positioning plug in accordance with this invention. The invention also relates to a sealing and positioning plug. The universal joints 46, 64, and 72 provide a rotational driving connection while accommodating a limited amount of angular misalignment (not shown) between the rotational axes of the shafts 28, 38, 40, and 36. AAM-D2N Slip yoke dust cap and seal fits all 1.375 x 32 spline 1975 and newer OEM Chevy and GMC SLIP YOKES with 1.810 inch OUTSIDE DIAMETER of THREADS CLICK … Further, while the invention has been described as a slip yoke assembly 74 adapted for connection to a transmission output shaft 28, it should be understood that the slip yoke assembly 74 could be used with any type of shaft. A typical slip yoke includes a generally cylindrical barrel portion having a bore formed therethrough with a female splined inner surface. Slip yokes are manufactured in the USA by skilled engineers and craftsmen oversee the production process from start to finish, ensuring every yoke is made to exacting standards. By limiting the distance the slip yoke 26 enters the tailstock housing 22, the lug portion 32 of the slip yoke 26 is prevented from traveling too close to the external booted seal 24 on the tailstock housing 22. 5 is a sectional elevational view of the sealing and positioning plug taken along line 5—5 of FIG. This is important to prevent damage to the seal 24 during operation of the vehicle. The slip yoke is installed by telescopically inserting the barrel portion of the slip yoke about the end portion of the shaft until the end of the shaft abuts the body portion of the plug to provide a positive stop. In one method, the transmission output shaft is formed with a step which contacts the end of the slip yoke barrel to positively stop further sliding movement of the slip yoke during installation. In the illustrated embodiment, the body portion 106 is generally cylindrical in shape, including a generally cylindrical sidewall 110 and a generally circular end wall 112. The slip yoke 26, the universal joint 46, the coupling shaft 38, and the center bearing assembly 50 are often pre-assembled as a unit generally referred to as a coupling shaft assembly 56. The body portion 106 has an axial length 108. The tube yoke 42 is connected by a first universal joint 46 to the lug portion 32 of the slip yoke 26, to connect the coupling shaft 38 to the slip yoke 26. The slip yoke assembly also includes a shaft having an end portion disposed inside the bore of the slip yoke. This invention also relates to a method for installing the slip yoke assembly. FIG. 3. Most posts for 2nd gen refer to it being covered by a dust boot, but I have no dust boot on my 2005. The axial length 108 is measured from the location where the body portion 106 intersects the inner surface 98 of the flange portion 96 to the location where the body portion 106 extends the greatest distance from the flange portion 96. Tight Joint. A method of manufacturing a slip yoke assembly comprising the steps of: (b) providing a plug including a flange portion having a chamfered outer edge and a body portion extending from the flange portion; (c) positioning the flange portion of the plug on the first end of the barrel portion such that the body portion of the plug extends a predetermined distance into the bore; and. 9, a portion of the material of the slip yoke 26 is deformed over the flange portion 96 of the plug 94 so that a lip 120 of material is formed tightly over the flange portion 96 to attach the plug 94 to the slip yoke 26. 100% Leak Tested No need to worry about leaks. The slip yoke assembly 74 also includes a sealing and positioning plug 94 in accordance with the invention. 9, a portion of the material of the slip yoke 26 is deformed over the flange portion 96 of the plug 94 so that a lip 120 of material is formed tightly over the flange portion 96 to attach the plug 94 to the slip yoke 26. In some vehicles, the distance between the output shaft of the transmission and the input shaft of the axle assembly is relatively short. The plug also includes a body portion that extends from the flange portion. Machining of such a prior art yoke must be interrupted to plate the yoke, the yoke is then further machined, and the plug is installed. The female splined inner surface of the barrel portion of the slip yoke cooperates with the male splined outer surface of the transmission output shaft to provide a rotatable driving connection between the slip yoke and the transmission output shaft, while allowing a limited amount of relative axial movement therebetween. Some suitable metals include steel, aluminum, and alloys thereof. A tube yoke 70 is also attached to the input shaft 36 of the axle assembly 14. Then, as shown in FIG. The end portion of the shaft has a male splined outer surface that cooperates with the female splined inner surface of the slip yoke bore to provide a rotatable connection between the shaft and the slip yoke, while allowing a limited amount of relative axial movement therebetween. The flange portion 96 of the plug 94 is positioned inside the counterbore 84 so as to rest against the inner surface 114. 697-517. The lug ears have aligned openings formed therethrough that are adapted to receive portions of the universal joint therein. The slip yoke assembly also includes a sealing and positioning plug having a flange portion that is attached to the first end of the barrel portion of the slip yoke. (e) inserting the shaft within the bore of the barrel portion of the slip yoke until the end of the shaft engages the body portion of the plug, such that the splined outer surface of the shaft cooperates with the splined inner surface of the bore. 3 is a top plan view of the sealing and positioning plug illustrated in FIG. The lug portion 32 includes a pair of lug ears 86 and 88 extending from the barrel portion 30. When the slip yoke 26 is properly positioned relative to the transmission output shaft 28, the center bearing assembly 50 is fastened to the vehicle frame 52 to fix the position of the coupling shaft assembly 56. The slip yoke 26 is installed on the transmission output shaft 28 by telescopically inserting the barrel portion 30 of the slip yoke 26 about the outer end portion 140 of the transmission output shaft 28. Although the invention has been described in terms of a slip yoke assembly 74 for use in the illustrated vehicle drive train system 10, it should be understood that the invention can also be used with other types of drive train assemblies and drive lines. Another tube yoke 66 is attached to a second end 68 of the driveshaft 40. Slip Yokes. Tube Yokes. Important: See Safety Information in General Information Section (J300P-GI) INCLUDED IN THIS CATALOG. The flange portion 96 also has an outer edge 100. 2, a slip yoke 26 in accordance with the invention is rotatably mounted on an output shaft 28 of the transmission 18. Lubricant is applied at the connection between the slip yoke and the splined shaft. The tube yoke 42 is connected by a first universal joint 46 to the lug portion 32 of the slip yoke 26, to connect the coupling shaft 38 to the slip yoke 26. FIG. Shop All Small Parts; Balance Weights Capscrews, Nuts, Washers Deflectors Dust Caps And Seals Hardware For Bearing Stubs Lube, Fittings And Plugs Snap Rings U-Joint Attaching Hardware … ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:DANA CORPORATION;REEL/FRAME:011705/0638, Owner name: The welch plug prevents the entry of dirt, water, and other contaminants into the region where the splined members engage one another, and further prevents transmission fluid from leaking out through the slip yoke. However, this method involves relatively costly and time consuming operations to machine the groove and install the snap ring, undesirably increasing the overall cost of manufacture. A second end 48 of the coupling shaft 38 is rotatably supported by a center bearing assembly 50 which, in turn, is fastened to the vehicle frame 52. As best shown in FIGS. In the illustrated embodiment, the staking operation is performed by an orbital forming device 122. FIGS. Center Yokes Components Drive Shaft CV Joint Drive Shaft Center Support Bearing Drive Shaft Yoke Shafts Driveshaft End Yokes Flange Yokes Flanges. As best shown in FIGS. Universal Joints. , , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING, ENGINEERING ELEMENTS AND UNITS; GENERAL MEASURES FOR PRODUCING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF MACHINES OR INSTALLATIONS; THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL, COUPLINGS FOR TRANSMITTING ROTATION; CLUTCHES; BRAKES, Yielding couplings, i.e. Be formed having a splined inner surface Yokes are air Tested to 40 PSI, elongated tube... 88 extending from the perimeter surface 116 of the plug 94 is to! Yet another method, an instrument or fixture is used to properly position the slip yoke is over. A yoke which accomodates axial movement a plug is attached to the slip yoke on a shaft 2002-96 GMC. Booted seal 24 a tailstock housing 22 includes an end portion with a splined outer surface 144 5 is side! 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